Dil ko darkan say phele,
Dost ko dosti say phele,
Pyaar ko Mohabbat say phele,
Khushi ko gaM say phele,
Aapko 2 hour pehle
!!---HAPPY BIRTHDAY Day--!!!
This Msg has No Fat
No cholesterol n No Addictive
this is all natural except, with a lot of sugar. But it can never be as sweet as the one reading it.
Happy Birthday
no greeting card to give,
no sweet flowers to send,
no cute graphics to forward,
Forget abt D past you cant change it,
Forget abt d future You cant predict it
Forget abt d present I dint get you one
Happy birthday!!!
In soft gleaMing of stars….
May all ur dreaMs coMe true,
May every star of every night bring love and joy to you
Happy Birthday …….
Birthdays are 4 fun
Enjoy a sticky bun
I’M glad u r My Mate
Hope ur birthdays great
A prayer: 2 bless ur way
A wish : 2 lighten ur MoMents
A cheer: 2 perfect ur day
A text: 2 say HAPPY BIRTH DAY
Let the GOD decorate each GOLDEN RAY OF THE SUN reaching u
with wishes of Success, Happiness and prosperity 4 U,
Wish you a super duper Happy Birthday
Motiya bela phol kaliyaaaaaan dekhooo yarooo
shad hai na aj tMhari salgerah hai dekho hMko yaad hai nh
.........Happy Birthday...............
Hold 10 roses in ur hand and stand opposite of the Mirror..
U'll see 11 roses and aMong theM, the Most beautiful ROSE in the world is You
My dear...
Just look out of ur window... Joy is w8ing there in the siMple lovely thing around you...
Every where... On this day and everyday May each MoMent be filled with
JOY and Eveylasting HAPPINESS...
...Happy BIRTHDAY!!!...
Look outside its so pleasent!
MOon sMiling 4 u..
Trees dancing 4 u !
birds singing 4 u
bcoz i asked theM all 2 wish u a